Soldiering with dignity

While our men were fighting for our nation in the treacherous mountains of Ladakh similarly Pakistani soldiers occupying those features were fighting for their country & fulfilling their duty. In the battlefield both are enemies for each other+
& would do anything to kill the other to ensure one remains alive. But once dead he is a fallen soldier who needs to be respected for the sacrifice that he has done for his nation. That is the soldier’s code and that is what was displayed by the Indian Army during the battle of+
Tiger Hill. The Pakistani company holding Tiger Hill complex was motivated by their commander Captain Karnal Sher Khan of 12 Northern Light Infantry who knew that their operation's success hinges on holding onto Tiger Hill complex at any cost. +
Once India Gate, Helmet & Rocky Knob features on the Tiger Hill complex were captured by the men of 8 Sikh supported by 18 Grenadiers, Captain Karnal repeatedly counter attacked with his men. In one final daring full frontal attack in broad day light, like a man possessed, he+
unleashed himself along with his men on the 8 Sikh position at India Gate. It took a lot of casualities from 8 Sikh to hold back this counter attack and silence the wounded tiger ‘Captain Karnal Sher Khan’ to maintain hold on those features. Once complete Tiger Hill complex+
was recaptured due respect was paid to this fallen soldier & his valour. His mortal remains were carried down. At first Pakistan refused to take back his remains. But afterwards they agreed. While transporting his body to the Pakistanis Brigadier M P S Bajwa,+
Commander of 192 Brigade which won the battle of Tiger Hill, had slipped in a letter in Captain Karnal’s pocket mentioning his bravery on the battlefield of Tiger Hill. It was this letter that informed the people back home in Pakistan about the heroic deed of Captain Karnal and+
he was honoured with Pakistan’s highest award ‘Nishan-E-Haider’. In the fog of war such tales of humanity are also written.

(Still From Documentary Series: ‘India On The Road’; Bikram Saluja)
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