BREAKING: @US_FDA has granted an emergency use authorization to Pfizer for it's COVID-19 vaccine.

It is nothing short of a medical miracle to have FDA authorization of a vaccine for COVID-19 just over 11 months since the virus was made known to the world.
Because of President Trump’s strong leadership and unwavering support for Operation Warp Speed, we have millions of doses of this vaccine that are now being shipped to every corner of America, with administration to begin as soon as providers are ready.
The triumph of Operation Warp Speed is a tribute to dedicated public servants across @HHSGov and the @DeptofDefense, our partners in the private sector, and incredible American scientists.
This vaccine, like any vaccine FDA potentially authorizes, has been through multiple stages of safety review, and it has shown extraordinary effectiveness in protecting people from the virus.
Vaccines will help bring this pandemic to an end, which is all the more reason to double down on the public health measures we need to stay safe in the coming months.
As Americans get vaccinated, we need to continue taking steps like washing our hands, social distancing, and wearing face coverings to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.
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