Yesterday we decided to do a last minute pivot to do a weekend sale for Bambu Earth to move a product with high inventory.

Really proud of our whole team, to get this out.

We ended up making a mistake that made it difficult to redeem the offer. No problem though..

I wanted to tell the customer exactly what happened and with a little bit of convincing I had Amber the founder on board for this email. The most important thing is this story is 100% true & this is exactly how it happened

Also peep, the greeting name 😂

I THINK this email will crush, & even if it doesn’t, we’ve shown our customers a little more of the people behind the brand.

I’ll update this with some numbers once it the dust settles.

More opens, clicks, and revenue in 45 minutes.

2x the revenue in 2 hours đŸ„°
After a little overnight bump, we are now at

- 2x the opens
- 3x the clicks
- 5x the revenue of the first

This has a chance to pass our email on BF (we started BF early this year so our email on BF wasn't as big)
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