Beliefs are your thoughts about how life should be, or could be—codified into rules.

Rules that filter and shape your thinking about what is possible.

A thread on beliefs. 1/n
The main problem is that over time they turn into automatic rules that operate unconsciously, even when the operating system is outdated.

👉Which means you become completely unaware of these “rules” yet they still guide your thoughts and actions—much like being on auto-pilot.

So where the fuck do we get our beliefs?

Some of them you created in that mind of yours based on extremely subjective experiences and observations of the world.

Some of them started out just as working assumptions about how parts of the world are, but over time they became hardened expectations. These expectations act like a lens and filter everything in which you view and interpret the world.

📌Although we do create some of our beliefs ourselves—many we simply adopt from others humans orbiting in our direct vicinity, or are impressed upon us by society.

We all absorb our culture's norms to some extent and this is neither good nor bad; but we often forget to question whether these are serving us or limiting us.

The truth is many of the beliefs that we adopt are disempowering and counterproductive. We don’t even question why we keep repeating cyclical patterns in arguments and relationships. Who wants to live a life like this?

Not me...

☑️Check yourself: Question everything you see and hear. Many beliefs lack truth and are absurd. Don’t be lazy and just accept what is spoon fed to you. Perceptions can easily be shape-shifted. Be inquisitive. Be curious. Be fearless in the pursuit of an objective reality.

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