I miss live music. Live music in Austin is our lifeblood and our city is hurting. Here is a thread of me waiting in front of a few stages, waiting for the show to start and a few quick bad pics of some shows. Here’s Joanna Newsom’s harp. #moodytheatre #acllive
Here’s @toriamos’ bosendorfer and a quick blurry shot of the goddess herself #acllive #moodytheatre
Here’s @perfumegenius’ drum set at @emosaustin. I have some shots of Mike but he’s all jangly and stuff so they’re just gay blurs.
Here’s @ChrisIsaak at @acltv hall of fame. I almost got kicked out for taking this. God damn I was drunk, too. Sat next to this dude from NOLA who was a gigantic Meters fan. He was beautiful. I miss beautiful people. #aclive #moodytheatre #roseannecash
And look at the lovely @TheWatsonTwins! Here they are opening for bad ass @jennylewis at moody theatre.
Speaking of which, look at all these people adoring @jennylewis. I’ve seen Jenny Lewis 17 times. Second only to Tori Amos and right above Neko Case. Fucking gingers cast a spell on me.
Oh shit, I think @PattyGMusic is up there in my red head concert tally, I’ve seen her at least 9 times and probably a few times I didn’t plan to see her, because she just plays everywhere. I think this was a sxsw show at auditorium shores with @andrewbird
One year I saw @st_vincent three times. At the moody theatre, ACL and a late show at @StubbsAustin. She just consistently rocks my face off.
Ok so Father John Misty is really fucking good live. We have some things in common. Same age, grew up Pentecostal, and we are both sexy af. I get shit for liking FJM but I won’t apologize. I like the smug bastard. I think this was at @bassconcerthall on UT campus.
This was @NekoCase, @lauraveirs, and @kdlang, collectively known as... @caselangveirs. One of the greatest shows I’ve seen, on top of one of the greatest albums of the ‘10’s. The songwriting on that record is incredible. They should have recorded this tour for release.
The Arcade Fire! Holy shit that was a huge show. Infinite Content tour, it was quite a spectacle. I also though it was so cool to see @owenpallett up there on that stage doing his thing in such a huge production. @WolfParade opened and they were pretty fucking great, too.
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