I'm about to explain why the SCOTUS decision makes sense. Buckle up.
First, the Bible side. Do you not know you serve God not man? The God who took impossible situations and turned them possible?
Daniel and a den of lions, Samson, David, Saul, how about His Son rising from the grave? Do not be dismayed. HE IS ON THE MOVE.
Kwew has told us the military was the only way. 💧26
💧2610 2yr delta 12/12 - will voter fraud be exposed by January? No.
Then I noticed 💧521 [SC ARE] NECESSARY EVENT. Do You TRUST the US Military?
And 11 State Secrets upheld under SC
SCOTUS knows whats on the laptops. Opening this case opens a can of worms that can't be (fully) opened.
NESARA was buried by 9/11, all part of the same cover up.
This was never about a 4 year election which Cue repeatedly mentions 💧4482, 3931, 3904, 3881, 3748, 3702, 3652, 3464, 3432, 2937, 2676, 2628, 2492
NESARA was to be enacted in 9-11-2001. In doing so new elections would been to take place. The entire corrupt establishment is to be wiped clean. It also introduces a new currency backed by precious metals, rainbow currency.
Now let me toss in a curve ball. Crypto Currency. I wont get in to to much detail but just know that XRP is a token that can be used as a digital wallet for new currency. Its multi uses and security make it unique in the crypto space.
At 7pm EST time today the first step in a new crypto currency was introduced called SPARK.
A snapshot of every XRP account was taken and each owner will get SPARK tokens air dropped to their account in June 2021.
💧2528 All you needed was a spark to UNITE TOGETHER. near a 2yr delta(12/2). Interesting that it mentions something similar to United We Stand from 9/11.

💧2619 Do we have the gold? Yes.
There's more here. Need help digging. But I find it a strange coincidence that SPARK snapshot was at 7pm and SCOTUS ruling was just minutes before.
NESARA, Spark to reset currency, military for insurrection during BREAK, biggest drop in Pol, MASS AWAKENING.

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