Woke up to a $227,864 check

Not a bad for a week’s worth of work

But let’s talk about money and wealth creation
1. If you woke up this morning and didn’t make a single dollar while you were sleep, time to re-evaluate your money game
2. Your sources of income can’t only be related to the amount of hours worked

“If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die”

- Warren Buffet

You should own an instrument that makes money without your man hours then you’ll wake up to money
3. For your grandpa that meant, starting a business growing it large enough to hire a manager and he could make money without working

For you, build a website, get traffic to your website and collect orders

What are you going to sell?

Either a Product, service or information
4. You only need to make $11.50 per hour to make $100,000 in a year if you make money 24 hours per day

Obviously you can’t work 24 hours a day but you can damm sure have a website that collects orders all day long
5. if you are a hourly employee

You get two days off per week, you aren’t paid for those days

That’s 104 days per year that you don’t earn money

You spend money 365 days and only earn 261 days....

If you spend money everyday you have to make money everyday
6. Don’t get this confused with working everyday

To break the cycles of the paycheck to paycheck life you have to first understand that earning money everyday and working everyday are not the same thing

You don’t have to work everyday but your website can get sales everyday
7. There are two ways to make money

1) Sell something

2) Work for someone who sells something

Think about it, you work for T Mobile
What do they sell? Phones + Service

What do you sell?
Your time to then

Moving from number 2 to 1 is how you will go from rags to riches
8. Business is the fastest way to grow your income

Leverage the money you get from your 9-5 to create something to sell

It could be a book, it could be a home cleaning service, it could be resume writing, tax filing service, it could be a baby monitor or a skateboard
9. Use money to make money

If you don’t have money then you use your time to make money, then use that money to make money

Where most people go wrong

They don’t have money to make money with, so they use their time to make money

Then use that money to buy material things
I want to give back today so I’m giving away $2,000

$500 to 4 different people

2 winners will be random previous customers

The other 2 will be people who buy “Cyber money” today

All 7 of my courses for just $50

Winners announced tonight

You can follow @CJ_Johnson17th.
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