TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!! #PARALLEL is out now in theaters and digital in the US!!!!!!

Let me tell you a funny story. In 2015, on my first trip to LA for meetings, I had many meetings in big studios and only one meeting at a burger restaurant…
who would have guessed THAT was the meeting that turned into a movie??? From the minute I read #PARALLEL, I said: WOW, I NEED TO MAKE THIS MOVIE!!!! It was a dream come true to actually get the gig, and an even bigger dream come true to see how the movie turned out to be...
and everything I learned from it… #PARALLEL is a movie I hold very close to my heart, for many reasons… it meant many “firsts” for me: My first English spoken film, my first studio film, my first film outside of Mexico and with a completely new crew,
and my first film I didn´t write (although I was involved very closely with the screenplay for over a year and, without taking any credit from @scottblaszak great script, it feels to me as personal as if I had written it myself).
Together with the great team of @BronStudios , who always respected my vision and gave me all the tools to accomplish it, I had the experience of traveling to many universes…
The people I met, the lessons I learned, the experiences I had, it all shaped what has been, overall, one of the greatest things that’s ever happened to me.
Today, the journey ends for me, and it begins for you… the movie is now yours, and all that’s rest for me to do, is to go and buy my ticket!!!
This weekend, it will be a pleasure taking you on a ride across many universes, from the comfort of your couch!!!! I do want to say however, that the film is also playing in theaters all across the US, in most states and cities,
it’s even playing in some theaters in NY and even in LA -at the Vineland Drive In-, so if you´re one of those who likes your movie on the big screen -like myself- even among these dark COVID times, you can have it your way….
But if you prefer to stay at home, you can watch it on your favorite digital platform (you choose: iTunes, Apple TV+, Amazon Prime Video, Google, Vudu, RedBox, etc, all for rent or buy).
FRIENDS IN MEXICO (and other countries): I very much want you to be able to watch it as well, but unfortunately this release is so far only for US territory… lets hope we have a release date in Mexico and other places soon as well…
but in the meantime, I want you all to know YOU CAN STILL WATCH IT IN MEXICO THIS WEEKEND, as long as you have an iTunes US account, or a US account of any of these platforms
(it has to be a US account, but its very easy to open one, you don´t even need to have a US address or a US credit card… google it, you´ll get access to many great movies, not just this one).
It’s a fun ride, a film to escape reality and just enjoy a good time at the movies, something I´ll always believe is part of what movies are made for, and even more in times like these….
Written in 2015
Shot in 2016 (we finished shooting on December 11, 2016, exactly 4 years ago, is that fate or what?)
Finished in 2017
Released (on festivals) in 2018
Released in theaters (and digital) TODAY!!!
From Mexico, USA, Canada, UK, Sweden and more, to the world…. made with lots of love, creativity, passion and even some blood… I hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it…
You can follow @IsaacEzban.
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