Short thread for those that don’t know who Gorr the God Butcher is (tue character Christian Bale is playing in Thor: Love and Thunder) and what it could mean for Venom in the MCU.
Gorr is an alien who grew up on a primitive desert planet where the people put blind faith in gods to make it through their sorry lives, Gorr wasn’t about that.
One day, two gods mid battle crash land, the golden god asks for Gorr’s help, he takes the weapon of the black god, kills him, and vows to kill all gods.
His blade is called the “necrosword” and has similar abilities to a symbiote, and fun fact Hela’s blades from Thor: Ragnarok were designed after it.
So this story arc took place in 2013, in 2018 in the new Venom book, we are introduced to Knull, god of the Symbiotes, who is retroactively made to be the black god that Gorr stole the weapon from.
So if we see the black god appear in the movie is Gorr’s origin it would now have to be a reference to Knull which could also spell out symbiotes in the MCU and maybe some further connections to Venom.
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