The Walt Disney Company is an enormous, predatory corporation that primarily serves its wealthy shareholders, and criticising its monopolistic business practices is not the same as criticising the artists whose work it brands and monetises in pursuit of total cultural dominance.
You wouldn't say "shhh let people enjoy things" about Starbucks or Wal-Mart or any other company that uses its market power to shut out competition, but people - progressives! - constantly prostrate themselves before the Disney behemoth using exactly that language. It's bizarre.
It's terrific Disney is granting mainstream representation to folks who lacked it. We should also acknowledge the gross reality that is America's capitalist dystopia, Disney has become basically the sole arbiter of where that happens (mostly "where it can push into new markets").
Feel free to enjoy Disney product - I mean, I do. If you're an artist offered a Disney gig, by all means take it - it's tough out there. But let's not pretend a $300bn multinational is a positive force in the world just because our tastes align with what generates its revenue.
For a hot wild second this year my creative partner and I were cowriting a musical short for Disney. For us it was a potential lifechanger; for them, a lark, a droplet in an ocean of streaming content. It's fucked how much power is concentrated in that one company.
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