All be careful: This is most dangerous point any circumstance of potential terrorist attack. Trumpers have been lied to by folks like @DanCrenshawTX and @GOPLeader to convince them of a fantasy election conspiracy. The RW threats are at the edge now, the common time when.../1
...their radicalization through lies, and their rage combine with a sense of hopelessness that they choose to attack. Do NOT allow people like @DanCrenshawTX or @GOPLeader engage in mumbling excuses or whatabouts if blood flows. They will have caused it by thinking they can.../2
...push people into a fantasy world that depends on identification of "the other" (in this case, democrats) who will destroy the nation and prevent return to a mythical past. This is standard fascism, and the violence out of desperation could break soon. Or hopefully these.../3
...seditious antiAmericans like @DanCrenshawTX & @GOPLeader will sit back and comprehend what they have done, and try to dial things back to reality to head off the possibility of blood flowing. But if you dont, Dan and Kevin: Every death is on you and your fellow antiAmericans.
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