1. The more I think of it the driver of the Oracle to Austin move is talent not taxes. Now lots of rich people are relocating to lower tax states. But this move of the HQ is about talent.
2. How could that be, you say, Silicon Valley is rife with talent. Well, as many have said Silicon Valley is brutally expensive. I don't have the exact stats but median housing costs are over a million. That has to be 2.5 to 3 times Austin. But there's more.
3. Young techies love Austin. And Oracle needs young techies. The competition for them with Apple and Amazon and Google and Microsoft and startups ... You get the picture ...
4. If you could design a "perfect place" for young techies it would be Austin. Recall these are young techies - comp sci, electrical engineering majors from places like MIT, CMU, Michigan, Indianna, Waterloo.
5. Austin is a huge college town, easy to navigate, great music scene, great bars (in a cluster), great outdoor stuff to do Not too much traffic. Reasonable rents. Lots of young people.
6. Now compare this to the part of Silicon Valley where Oracle is located. It is much more of a classic SUBURB. Not nearly as much for new tech grads.
7. Where are all those young techies headed in the Bay Area - the city of San Francisco. That is why companies had to set up those much-maligned and protested busses - to shuttle techies from San Fran to Silicon Valley. I don't have to tell you, that's a schlep.
8. Twenty years ago when I was teaching at CMU, 20 years ago, Austin was already the preferred destination for our tech kids. It was simply easier to navigate and more fun.
9. The thing I keep asking myself isn't why did Oracle move to Austin, it's why didn't it happen sooner.
10. Oh, one last thing: Oracle is a big (and reasonably boring) tech company. It is not a high-flying startup, Austin is a mid-size tech hub, dwarfed by the Bay Area. Oracle's move won't magically bring Austin into the Bay Area's ranks as a tech hub.
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