Only 2 Supreme Court justices, Thomas and Alito (neither appointed by Trump), apparently have any intellectual curiosity about the integrity of election law. The longest-tenured conservatives on the bench were willing to hear the Texas case, the rest just can’t be bothered.
Some patriots may argue this violated jurisdictional authority. In decent times that would surely matter. These sadly are not such times, and those shredding our Constitution and defecating on our way of life as we speak will laugh, while continuing their Great Reset unopposed.
So we will continue honoring details of a process that no longer exists, while the Spirit of the Age proceeds to the culmination of its Long March through the Institutions with reckless abandon.
And those of you quietly pleased with this because you want Trump gone, but don’t want to have to say so, better be right he was the problem. Because it looks to me like your future nice guy candidate(s) are about to face the same mail-in voter scheme unchecked.
In the end, nothing really changes. This morning you found out AG Barr is beneath contempt, and now the crowning achievement of Trump’s presidency won’t even hear the case. I guess we just keep voting Republican to not save America.
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