Yes - SCOTUS isn’t taking the TX. No- it doesn’t mean there is no remedy for the rampant voter fraud that occurred on 11/3. Breathe. Focus. This isn’t over.
I want everyone to please stop hyperventilating. In war, should you lose a battle you don’t take your toys and go home. Now isn’t the time for defeatism. TX brought a case to the SCOTUS. BEFORE a the TX filing there was a strategy in place. It remains.
The TX filing came as a shock to many and had broad support. The case isn’t the end of the fight - I’m confused as to why ppl think it is. There are other cases in court right now - other cases petitioning the SCOTUS- other avenues in the works. TX was never an end all be all.
There isn’t time for taking your ball and huddling in the corner. Stay strong and resolved. Keep pressure on your legislators - make sure to inform them of their CONSTITUTIONAL ROLE - they don’t need a SCOTUS order to act with plenary power already granted. It would’ve been nice
But it isn’t necessary. I told you - it may seem some days as though things are bleak - but do you think POTUS is acting like a little baby right now? Or do you think there are 10 other ways to ensure a result with integrity?
We haven’t lost - and when we do, there are other plans. For now - focus on what’s in front of you. Dust yourself off, there’s no crying in baseball, and on to the next.
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