THREAD: Genuine questions for pro-choicers who say pro-lifers can’t support the death penalty. How does this refute the argument against abortion? If you feel someone is wrong on one issue (the death penalty) does that automatically mean they’re wrong about another (abortion)?
If it’s true that it’s inconsistent to be pro-life and support the death penalty, how do you feel about pro-life advocates who are anti-death penalty? Would you support this pro-life position since this person meets with the standard of consistently you laid out?
Can you support the death penalty while being consistent with the pro-life position? Pro-lifers typically argue deliberately taking an innocent life is wrong. If capital punishment doesn’t result in the taking an innocent life, how does this make pro-lifers inconsistent?
I’m open to a discussion from anyone on either side of the abortion issue, as I know there’s a lot of opinions on this topic from both pro-lifers and pro-choicers.
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