We will start off with some First Down Play Calling Data.. Check it out: 👀🧐

This will just be a run down of the play data to start with.. we will dove deeper into this including yards per play, TD’s, negative plays, etc.

Auburn has had a total of 257 first down snaps this year. Out of those 257 snaps: 132 of them were designated run plays, 61 were designated pass plays, & 64 were Run-Pass Options (RPO’s)
Therefore, on first down AU there was a 51% chance AU would run the ball, a 24% chance AU would throw it, and a 25% chance the play would be an RPO. If you’re a DC, what would you be looking for from AU on first down?
The running game plays included:
- 75 snaps of Inside Zone
- 23 snaps of GT Counter/Counter
- 11 snaps of Outside Zone
- 5 snaps of Jet Sweep
- 3 snaps of Reverses
- 3 snaps of Power G Read
- 3 snaps of Power G Toss
- 2 snaps of Power G
- 1 snap of QB Draw
- 1 snap of Speed O
- Inside Zone was the play call 57% of the time
- Counter was the play call 17% of the time
- Outside Zone was the play call
8% of the time.
I was actually surprised to see Outside Zone above 5%
The passing game plays included:
- 29 snaps of Drop Back
- 27 snaps of Play Action
- 4 screens
- 1 snap of Sprint Out

- Drop Back was the play call 48% of the time
- Play Action 44%
- Screens 7%
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