F16 crash
I agree this total sounds odd. 50,000? Even 5,000?
“The aircraft, a F-16 Fighting Falcon crashed around 8 p.m. Tuesday, according to the 115th Fighter Wing, a unit of the Wisconsin Air National Guard.

“It was assigned to the Truax Field Air National Guard Base in Madison, Wisconsin.”
“The 115th Fighter Wing had been conducting training flights throughout the week”

“Col. Bart Van Roo, 115th Fighter Wing commander”
OCR of the Anon comment


>anon witnesses a crash, thinks its UFO (never seen a crash before, obviously)

>hours later news starts breaking that an f-16 went down

>huge team of military sent out with helicopters and aircraft sent in”
“>extremely high level low airspace restriction put In place

>military tell police and civies to stay 4,000+ ft back

>live military ordinance confirmed on board (which airforce posters says is highly out of the ordinary especially since the pilot had no copilot)”
“>anons listening In on the comms hear weird things

and suddenly someone on the radio says 'WHAT EXACTLY WAS SAID ON THIS LINE?'

followed with an 'OW IT HURTS"
“>smell reported indicative of ionizing radiation exposure

>no pilot has been found.

NG took over and says no one allowed in”
““>Media get a cover story from the NG

>strange aircraft appear on radar but only broadcast for a short burst before turning off transponders, ITS HIGH AND VERY FAST (mach 4+)”
“>thermal imaging scouring the vicinity

>large refueling KC-135s flown in

>rumors of chink drones that were using spike drives,

president recently said we got new missiles that are 17x faster than anything

(maybe used now to take out chink drones, V16 cover story)”
“>anon still said he saw a UFO crash in the area HOURS BEFORE anything was reported anywhere


>still happening NOW, search continues

>still EOD and military scouring the site

>we're still not allowed to go near it”
“>radio silence and weird short comms since incident where they asked who was listening


>there was talk of a 1.5 hour long video with the crater visible in it, may need FOIA

>live feed 

>Audio from last night”
I do not have the hh:mm in the link where Quayle says this.
“Steve said reports claimed the 50,000 troops were brought in by boat from the bay of Fundy.”
“Right on the Canadian border.”
This is the Bay of Fundy.
You can ferry from Canada to the US but I don’t know how you’d get 50,000 people across except very slowly.
55 miles from Bay of Fundy to CBP Calais Port of Entry

“This border crossing is the fifth busiest port of entry to the United States on the Canadian Border.”

So how would you “sneak” 50,000 Chinese troops through?
“the submarine route crosses an extensive fishing area” - Raul Gil, Prysmian Group Submarine Business Director
Thank you to the person who suggested checking into submarines due to high tides in the Bay of Fundy area. I can’t find your tweet.
“After a hiatus in April, a series of U-boats penetrated into the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine in May, and scored their first success two days before the attacks in the St. Lawrence began.”
Robbinston ME
Close to Calais
Site of earthquake
Could there have been a bunker there full of Chinese troops?
“most new Chinese arrivals in Maine are professionals and students”
These are legitimate residents.
I think Chinese troops perhaps were mingled into the legitimate residents.
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