Before blocking someone let’s make sure we block the parts of ourselves that will look for that same energy in other people just to repeat the same lesson.

I’m not referring to blocking trolls, stalkers, pestering ex’s or anyone that’s inflicting our need to self-preserve. I’m talking about blocking those who don’t really bother us but they trigger something deep within us.
Do understand no matter how far we run we will keep running into ourselves. The lessons don’t stop stop just because we decide to.
I know it hurts. I know blocking feels like a power move, but really it’s because we don’t want to face ourselves. We block to have the last word, to say “that’ll teach them” we do it to inflict pain. Because we think once they see they’re blocked they’ll see how we feel.
But I promise you these people do not give a fuck. So let yourself feel your feelings. Eventually it’ll simmer down to just a faint memory. You’ll see them on social media and your chest won’t do that thing anymore. There’ll be no knee jerk reactions or yearning.
To master something we must experience it, no matter how long it takes. Don’t jump out of the pot just to end up in another one. Take things a day at a time. Eventually this too will end.
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