Now that I’m out of my 20+ year depression fog, I’m recognizing a lot of common signs of depression from others, because I had the same. If you feel these some of these things/have these thoughts, they are LIES & you are not alone:

1) I’ve screwed up my whole life beyond repair
2)I’m not doing enough with my life
3) I’m not doing enough with my days
4) I’m too much for people
5) I’m not good enough for people
6) I’m a net negative to the world
7) I’m secretly a bad person and I’ve deceived everybody
8) I deserve punishment because I got away with being a bad person
9) I deserve to be unhappy because I’m secretly a bad person and deceived everybody
10) I’m stupid for being depressed
11) If I were stronger I wouldn’t be depressed
12) I wish I were somebody else
13) I wish I weren’t so emotional
14) I wish I didn’t care about people
15) I’m stupid for thinking these negative thoughts I just listed
16) I’m stupid for thinking I’m stupid
17-♾) I’m a stupid bad person who deserves to be depressed
I highly recommend medication and if you don’t have the resources or health insurance for that I also suggest looking up cognitive behavioral therapy (also “Feeling Good” by David Burns) which does a pretty good job of putting out fires in a pinch.
You can follow @robintran04.
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