Why is spamming authors and publications for not quoting a member enabling solo behaviour? - a thread.
1. First of all, this was started by solo stans (antis), big solo member accounts with their solo stan followers were the first to point it out, because when they read OT7 articles the only thing they do is look if their fabe/bias was quoted or had enough lines.
2. Don't see the problem with that? Well, this was a HUGE thing for BT5, they retweeted the article themselves, something they almost never do, which means they must have been pretty hyped and proud of this achievement and they probably expected the same joy and support from us.
3. Instead, this hashtag and the whole spam behaviour and harassment literally overshadowed this entire thing and soured many rational thinking Armys moods. Solos are always bringing up things like "you are OT6" or "you hate x member" every single time this happens.
4. Solos hate BT5, so taking part in their spambot/troll behaviour is embarrassing the boys in the middle of their Gr@mmy campaign (and yes, Jk is a part of BT5, so this includes him!) but it also sinks the chances for big publications like T!me to write about BT5 in the future.
5. The argument "you don't complain about spamming when it's someone else" is also created by Solo antis, they say stuff like that although they literally couldn't care less about any other member. And yes, most of us do care, because everytime this happens, it's the same bs!
6. If you look through a lot of the spam tweets and people harassing other Armys for speaking up about this not being in BT5' interest, you can see many of them don't have a 7 in their name or literally only tweet about one member and are 2020 accounts. Very suspicious.
7. If you really were as OT7 as you shout at other people who are thinking critically about this, you would have BT5 best interest at heart and you would trust them. Instead you take a really good article that is already fixed and make demands you aren't entitled to make.
8. It has nothing to do with x member, this happens all the time to different members and its not a problem until solo antis make it into one. Yes, BT5 are 7 and that's exactly why not every member has to speak/be included in every single interview. That's totally fine.
9. U saying "it's not enabling solo stans", look at how big accounts caved in to this and in august as well, because they are afraid of getting dogpiled and harassed by them! They get louder if you give them power and what do they want? For BT5 to disband. Are u ok with that?
10. It all really comes down to trusting the members and being here to support them as a fan. Yes, we speak up if there is racism or actual mistreatment but in the end we are not their managers and behaviour like that makes us seem like a fandom full of bots/trolls. Embarrassing.
11. We are all here because we love BT5, we listen to them, we buy/stream their music and when they ask sth of us, we try our best. So at times like this, we (as Armys who are actually OT7), we need to take their cues and not invent our own. They approved the article, that's it!
12. The end. Spamming one of the most prestige publications in the world isn't going to change an article that has already been written and if they do react to the spam, be aware that this might be the last time they choose the boys as any x of the year. Stop enabling solo antis!
If you came this far you can also check out my thread I made about all the creepy things solo stans have done since dynamite! Gives some more perspective on how dangerous they really are👇 https://twitter.com/OT7lovinghours/status/1333832507561742342?s=19
You can follow @OT7lovinghours.
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