For those wondering why SCOTUS is taking so long:
1: Breathe.
2: Today is the final conference of the calendar year; there's a bunch of other stuff that they will take care of today.
3: It'll take as long as it takes.
4: It may not be today. This isn't cause for alarm.
1: Seriously, breathe. Please. Take a walk. Get some fresh air. Do some self-care. Play a game. Read a book. Stop hitting F5.

Getting worked up hurts you and changes nothing.

Yes, it's hard to do, and I genuinely understand that, but it's pretty important.
2: Today is a scheduled conference. Conference is where lots of the Court's work happens. It's where decisions on things like whether to grant cert are made. All of those cases are really important to the participants. They don't stop just because Ken Paxton is an asshole.
The conference today is the last one until 2021. They're going to want - need - to wrap up a bunch of stuff. This takes time, too.
3: Federal judges are never late, nor are they early. They do everything precisely when they mean to.

And what they do often includes making sure they don't, in their haste to do one thing, accidentally screw up another area of law.
4: It may be tomorrow, Sunday, or even Monday morning before anything happens. My own expectation is sooner rather than later, but it could come at any point in that window. This is not cause for alarm.
The term of art for the quality of Texas's complaint is "dogshit." That hasn't changed. Nor has anything else about this case, including the fact that Kelly v PA brought similar claims with a better shot at standing and they pitched that already.
Nevertheless, some of the Justices may want to write statements or opinions on this one, and they may want a day or two to do that.

It will take as long as it takes; if it goes into tomorrow or Sunday, that's still not a good sign for Trump, so don't freak out.

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