The other day I thought of making cordage from natural fibres. I picked some leaves from a bulb plant growing near my home (I yet don't know what species it is). It was quite a fun and simple process which I'll briefly describe below.
First I decided to cut the leaves in thinner strands, it's better to do this while the leaves are fresh so they don't break. Then I air dried them for a few weeks. Once dry, I soaked them in warm water for a couple of hours in order to start twisting.
I used the reverse wrap two ply technique and it worked out perfectly. This cordage is mildly strong, not for very tough activities but ideal for basketry which I look forward to learning. I also want to try out different materials and techniques.
Cordage making is one of the most important and necessary primitive skills. I know it isn't rocket science, but many of us haven't even thought about it. It's quite shocking.
We'll all have to go back to a simpler lifestyle in the future and we must be prepared for everything. Nature provides us with a great variety of materials that we must learn how to use, just as our ancestors did.
Learn your environment, think, be creative, experiment.
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