I've talked about this before, but as a creator, deciding between the anonymity of your creator name and your personal name is a massive decision.

Mini thread/rant:
When you give your name, your full name, it gives up your power of anonymity. Now, I'm not talking about legal contracts because you need to be paid somehow, right? What's tied to your name, well look yourself up: current and past addresses, phone numbers, family addresses
Scary, right? A bad actor can do something with that information. Does that mean you shouldn't ever reveal your name? No. There are services that can help wipe that information from a Google search for a fee. I highly recommend those in today's climate.
I think people reveal as much as they want to and as much as they feel safe revealing. Does it mean people should have pseudonyms like Hollywood actors? Maybe, depends on what you think is best for you.
Revealing your face could show more than you'd like too, now that people can reverse image search photos to other sites you shared them. It's wild how much you can find on someone with just basic internet search know-how.
But on the flip side, being completely anonymous has drawbacks too. I really liked Anthony Padilla's video on "faceless" YouTubers: For some, not even their friends and family know and can share in their success and fame. It's wild
I'll end with this, please be safe out there with what you reveal. Make smart decisions and err on the side of caution. You don't have to share everything about your life online--feel good about setting up boundaries.
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