Most common #COVIDVaccine ?s A thread

1. Was vaccine rushed out to public? No. An mRNA vaccine had been researched pre-COVID. Scientists then shared a code specific to the coronavirus giving them a head start. Vaccine trials used rigorous protocols-thousands participated.
Independent government and other review bodies in MANY countries unaffiliated from pharmaceutical companies reviewed every bit of data before vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization for the general public.
2. Are there side effects? Like most vaccines that many of you have probably taken in your life time, there are some side effects and they usually occur with the second dose. This is expected, normal, and it is healthy- it means your body is accepting vaccine and it is working!
3. What side effects can I expect and how long do they usually last? The most common is a sore arm with some redness at the injection site. You may also feel more tired than usual, have a headache, or develop a fever. All of these are temporary-they usually disappear in 24 hours
4. I have children at home. Can they get vaccinated? Not yet. More research needs to be done to determine the vaccine's safety and effectiveness in infants up to 16 years old. Studies are being planned for this age group.
5. I had COVID or I think I had it. Do I still need a vaccine? Yes. It is unknown how long your body is protected after a COVID infection. To be 100% safe, it is strongly advised that you get vaccinated! Better to be safe than sorry.
6. Are there any conditions that would prevent me from getting a vaccine? Yes. If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant or are unsure if you are pregnant, do NOT get a vaccine because we don't know if it will cause harm to you or your unborn baby.
Also, if you have had a severe allergic reaction in the past, please hold off on getting the vaccine- please review this with your healthcare provider to determine the best plan for you.
7. Have the vaccines been studied in the elderly or in people of color? Yes and they were found to be safe and effective in all those groups.
8. How soon after I take the second dose of vaccine will I be protected? 7 days (although some reports say 5).
9. I received both doses of the COVID Vaccine, so I don't have to wear a mask any more, and I can get together with anyone I want right? Wrong. Unfortunately, while we know the vaccine will keep you from developing a severe case of COVID, we are still learning more.
The virus may still be capable of living in your own airway- your nose and your mouth, and this small amount of virus can be spread to others. Until 75% of the population is vaccinated, we will not have "herd" immunity so we need to help others stay well.
10. How do I convince others to get vaccinated. Begin by finding out what is preventing them from receiving a vaccine. Your idea about it may not be theirs! Use empathy. Answer ?s with facts, if you don't know, find out. Do not participate in the misinformation campaign.
11. It's the season of giving and I am looking for a holiday gift. The BEST present you can give yourself and others will be a COVID vaccine when it's your turn to get one. Seriously. #VaccinesWork and this one is FREE. In the meantime, #WearAMask #StayAtHome #WashYourHands
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