We don’t date anymore.

Let’s do something different for once.

How come you never make any plans?

Words that become too familiar in a long term relationship.

After 13 years in a relationship; it’s hard to keep the spark alive.

Most relationships begin with a spark.

That electric when you connect eyes —a current that runs from your head, all the way down to your toes. The spark fills you with
life — butterflies when your phone rings, nerves before every date — at the start of a relationship.
As a relationship evolves, the spark may not shine as bright. Intimacy is the first casualty in a long term committed relationship.

I have no idea where it goes, but between sharing morning hygiene routines and bedtime headwrap swag, the excitement gets replaced by normality.
Some relationships are built on the spark, and once that goes, so does the relationship.

Intimacy is an overconfident emotion. It speaks with passion; it tells you that it will last forever, that it is self-sufficient and doesn’t need any support — that’s a lie.

Intimacy is the loudest emotion in the room that has the most to hide.

Social media will tell you intimacy is dinner dates, sex, holding hands in the park and plane tickets — fleeting moments.

Intimacy in a relationship is not just about moments.

Dinner dates are useless if the whole time is spent answering work emails on your phone.

Holidays don't bang when the days are scheduled to solely make your Insta followers jealous.

Sex is an art — learning & effort should improve the experience.

Intimacy is not just moments.
Intimacy is also time.

Before the spark disappears in a relationship, it gets comfortable.

My intimacy was trash in my marriage. I was never present. I was always there, but not really
there— we would have dates, and after I could not even remember the name of the restaurant.
My eyes were searching through an unfamiliar menu, while my mind was working the budget for my next project.

I was not a partner in our intimacy. I was a member of
staff — doing what needed to be done to keep the boss happy.

Participation instead of investment is what kills the spark in a relationship.

When batteries begin to die, make an effort to charge them. Past displays of affection do not guarantee the future of a relationship.

Hanging on to one grand romantic gesture per year does not work
Long- term intimacy is acts of seduction combined with acts of sentiment.

Sometimes intimacy is turning off your notifications at the restaurant; sometimes it’s helping take out braids and sometimes it’s a cleaned house, cooked dinner and sleeping baby.

Sometimes it’s conceding the comfortable sofa while awaiting the outcome of a football match — you could not care less about — on the biggest television in the house — without interruptions.

One area of intimacy impacts all the others—the physical intimacy tags along behind the mental and emotional intimacy. The art of seduction is a very thick book.

I am still learning that intimacy is the difference between a late-night discussion about plot developments on Insecure instead of turning on the Ps4 to play 2k with the mandem.

Relationships evolve, so should your attraction and intimacy.

The spark dies when your intimacy becomes shaped by convenience & obligation.

Mourning over the spark that started the relationship will stop you appreciating the flame that kept it’s engine running throughout the years.
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