Why the deadline move back is great for #footballindex

A few weeks ago I spoke to FI about the current issue with the deadline, which has been exacerbated since the move to order books. In the current model, before 4pm, we have an identical analysis on a players value. 1/
However as soon as it becomes 4pm, we have a disparity in the value of a player. A current holder values a player by thinking about the future returns + their chance of dividends today, while a prospective buyer values a player on their future returns (+ipds) 2/
This in a rational market would lead to a high spread as soon as 4pm hits, and no trading occuring. In reality there is a bit of trading occuring on FI, some for IPD's and some from traders not aware they do not win the days dividends. /3
By moving back the deadline, or possibly removing them, they allow the market buyers and sellers to have a synchronized valuation method the whole time on the platform.

This will lead to more trading around dividends (higher volume) and see players hit higher peaks (minting) /4
FI will be much more engaging and exciting post 4pm on match days, quick buys after a GWG, or traders taking off sell orders quickly. If the shares were not going to be traded anyway, FI have no higher exposure from a buy - its simply passing from one person to another /5
Hopefully after this weekend FI will have the data to see a push back as a positive for them. I will be at next Tuesday's trader panel and hope the traders will report it was a much better trading experience, and the first step in the right direction under Mike's governance /
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