So much mystery surrounds death in KE. Familes shouldn't let their loved ones' deaths be in vain. Let others learn from it. Raise awareness. There should be no shame in death. Whether suicide, drug overdose, viagra, AIDS. Modern societies try and save other lives through lessons.
Growing up in the UK I remember vividly imagery of teens that had overdosed. Their parents spoke candidly on national TV warning other kids of the dangers of drugs stressing how they didnt want any other parents to go through what they did. Best drug awaress messaging for me.
Similarly families who'd lost loved ones to suicide spoke openly of their pain in not knowing or understanding depression. Again raising awareness and getting parents to keep a watchful eye on their kin.
HIV was such a stigma, folk in KE would go round in circles when giving reasons for the an AIDS related death. 'Pneumonia', 'TB' ...anything but the word AIDS.
Meanwhile the west, though not as badly ravaged by the disease, had poster childs for AIDS. Celebraties were open about their status and still celebrated. Again, raising awareness.
We are a shame based society. So much so that there is shame in dying. Fucking crazy... considering no one is getting out of here alive!
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