We don't spend enough time considering the toll of near shutdowns on federal workers who are under constant threat of losing their income.

A Social Security employee once told me her coworkers put off purchasing cars/homes bc they worry they'll miss payments during a shutdown.
You can't attract the best & brightest employees if Congress comes hours away from a shutdown several times a year.

Especially since credit card companies, utility companies, banks couldn't care less that federal employees are without a paycheck by no fault of their own.
And federal workers who risk getting furloughed are definitely not buying Christmas presents and stimulating the economy (which is pretty important during a recession) since the government might shut down again in a week.
Last point on this (there are MANY more to make): Rhetoric criticizing federal workers as inefficient bureaucrats or accusing them of being part of the deep state makes employees feel:
1. unvalued
2. unsure if Congress will vote to reimburse them for pay after the shutdown.
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