1/ The goal of GOP election fraud claims (before & after 2020) is to limit voting by folk of color & the poor. We know this bc before COVID, when mail-in & absentee was overwhelmingly whiter & upper middle class, NO right wingers focused on tighter safeguards on those votes...
2/ Rather they focused on limiting in-person early voting (disproportionately POC) and photo ID, bc even though there was almost no evidence of in person fraud, they knew POC and the poor are statistically less likely to have photo ID...
3/ In close elections, if such efforts result in even a slight decrease in turnout by such groups, the right benefits. NOW because of COVID, as POC and lower income folks availed themselves more of mail in and absentee (to stay safe), the same folks scream about absentee fraud..
4/ Which their old "photo ID" demands would never have addressed in the first place, as they well knew (but previously didn't care). Ultimately they just move the goalposts in whatever way allows the "right" people to have the edge and the "wrong" people to be held in check...
5/ They are transparent. All conservatism is about is maintaining traditional hierarchy and authority: racial, sexual, gendered, class and religious. And whatever helps them do that they will support. I just wish they would be honest enough to admit it...
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