the 8th house is known for “the occult”, and while we can often associate that to a variety of metaphysics, occult also means cutting off from view. the 8th house also rules secrets, it’s a dark house, and it’s in aversion to the ascendant (the asc can’t see it)
so when you have planets in or transiting the 8th, often times it can be difficult feeling you can “see” how that planet or it’s affects are showing up, or going to show up in your life. you can see the 7th house, relationships and individuals make themselves clear usually.
but what they have behind their back, or in their pockets, well that’s not so easily seen. what I’m trying to get at here is that when talking about 8th house topics, or when you’re trying to understand a transit or placement in your 8th, don’t expect to have a good view
The 8th house is like when you’re about to see a car crash happen, but a semi truck drives in front and blocks your view, or when people run to an alley to see a fight go down, but by the time you get around the corner the fight is over and you miss it.
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