This might be a radical take but hear me out- Leftists who hate landlords are not leftists.
1. Leftism is about opposing bigotry and hatred towards marginalized groups of people. Landlords are often hated by their tenants and treated as though they're monsters even though they want healthcare and happiness like all of us.
2. Landlords are often trans, people of color, and part of other disposed minorities who want to see liberation for their people. They can easily become socialist if you give them the opportunity to listen to you.
3. Leftists hate winning, that's the problem. You need to appeal to a coalition of both oppressors and the oppressed to win. Landlords have access to large swaths of land so if they join us they could be vital for our strategic guerilla warfare against the bourgeoise.
4. I have many relatives who were landlords. They have often been mocked and spit on and had their property destroyed by reckless people who call themselves leftist. We need unity of tactic and embrace all sorts of people, not be idiots.
I'm begging for leftists to add an ounce of pragmatism to their politics.
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