Some yrs back, in the early days of Twitter, hung out with a couple of Twitter people. Poured wine & because I was carried away gisting, poured above half the glass. Someone on that table asked me “Do I want to pour more”(in a derogatory way). Some people are just badly behaved
He clearly didn’t know I knew exactly what he meant. Of course I let it pass. But shows the mindset. But that behavior defined my relationship. Keep such people far away.
I’ve been at tables where I noticed the next person can’t use cutlery. I take it on myself to help them get comfortable. If the first thing that comes to your mind is making such people uncomfortable, it berms light in the kind of person you and what you are made of.
And then he tried to build relationship some years after the hangout. My circle is not Dangote’s circle but people like you don’t belong there. Dey your dey.
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