Ok so I’m going to explain why this is important in a thread. If you’ve been following me this year on twitter, you know that the county board of supervisors is voting on some bad policies that directly eliminate fieldworker jobs. 1/ https://twitter.com/dogmomusa/status/1337187608359669762
The final decision for this bad policy (regarding whether or not to pass it) takes place during a meeting of the supervisors on 12/15. This meeting is open for comments from the public. Because of COVID, these comments must be made via Zoom, rather than in person. 2/
So what’s the big deal? Well, in order for the supervisors to reconsider the bad policy that is proposed, we need people to speak up against it. Many farmworkers would like to testify, but since the ability to do so in person has been taken away, it gets tricky. 3/
In order to speak via video or phone call, you need a unique email address and a unique zoom account (meaning multiple people can’t share an account if they all want to speak). This barrier to entry is unfair and (dare I say it) discriminatory. 4/
While many farmworkers have smart phones, very few have unlimited data, access to wifi, computers, and (least of all) a zoom account. Often, couples share one cellphone. If a unique login is required for each person who will be speaking, it’s easy to see how this is an issue. 5/
At best, this is an ignorant oversight. At worst, it is a calculated decision to exclude those affected to voice their opposition. This is why it is so important for those of us with access to computers/zoom/wifi to use our privilege to speak for those who can’t. 6/
So I will reiterate: if you live/work/go to school/commute through/etc Ventura County, CA and are willing to give a 90 second testimony regarding hemp production, farmers, and fieldworkers, please DM me and I will personally walk you through the process. Let’s make a difference.
You can follow @DogMomUSA.
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