Hi all. I hope you're doing well. But I know some of you aren't. The holidays are a tough time for many people with #depression and #anxiety, magnified by the social pressure to be jolly because it's the holidays.

It's ok to feel the way you feel. But you can feel better.
/2 Today my message to you is that there is hope of being better. You may not be able to see it right now. Depression lies to you and anxiety makes it impossible to focus on the hope or how to get to it. But it's there.

Don't suffer alone. Talk to someone. Ask for help.
/3 Asking for help lets other people lead you to the hope you can't see and help you overcome the barriers depression and anxiety put between you and effective treatment of whatever form. But you need to take the initial leap of faith and put yourself in someone else's hands.
/4 You may feel so desolate that you can't believe you can be helped. You can. Take the word of someone who has been as desolate as humanly possible. You can be well again -- not free of trouble, because that's not our lot, but able to manage trouble. You can feel joy again.
/5 You've probably been hiding how terrible you feel. Stop hiding. Talk to a family member, a friend, a trusted colleague. Tell them you need help. Accept help. You're worth it. If you're in crisis right now, call a hotline immediately. https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ 
/6 It's nothing to be ashamed of. Would you be ashamed to get treatment for diabetes? Reach out, accept help, and keep an open mind about what treatment might help. Here's a secret -- once you're back, however long it takes, normality feels amazing. https://www.popehat.com/2015/05/21/happy-to-be-here/
/7 Another thing: you will be deeply touched at how much people love you and want to help you when they find out you need help.

God bless you and keep you whole and give you strength for this.

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