This piece is typical, and it is typically wrong on the merits. If the TX case was not so politically charged, the respondents would be laughed into the remedies TX requests of the Court and then some. The defenses are absurd as a matter of law; as a matter of the factual=
pleadings (take note of the original jurisdiction of the court) the defenses insult the American people, and, IMO, the Justices. The very state officials that “maladministrated” state responsibilities to their voters, and to the voters of the US in a national election; further,=
conjure a list of horribles to coerce the court to dismiss, (said subtle coercion an attempted violation of TX’s rights as a litigant before the Court) when it is within the police power of these very same officials to remedy the “horribles,” invoke, as if they are on twitter,=
“the “will of the people” and with dirty hands, “clean hands” equitable defense (basically, equity means “conscience” folks) as if the “will of the people” is the “will of the people” in one of their single state elections, which it appears, they abused anyway; also beside the=
point, because TX is not asking the Court to play on twitter, and like the media, declare a “winner.” The case is about electoral college votes that, reading the allegations favorably to plaintiffs, are tainted, injurious to the states, also participating in electoral college=
voting; indeed, a fraud on the government’s certification process from bottom to top. But, there are the politics, enormous pressures on the Court that the Court must consider- IMO, the Court will aim for stability (not the “stability” of dismissal to avoid the list of horribles=
but the stability of the governing bodies of the republic. And perhaps there lies the states’ and their pundit political miscalculation. The coercive and violent nature of the Dems “politics” have been in your face for four years. The evidence of what went on in their states=
during a national election is also in your face of every lawful voter inside and outside their states. The state officials are the problem, not the voters who “relied on”their manipulated election laws- the state official problem politically and as a matter of future national=
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