More specifically, the blog post fails to seriously consider the ethics of distributing vaccines by WTP, or the negative effects on public trust if an untested vaccine proved disastrous.
Now, FDA might have approved more rapid albeit imperfect tests, and considered challenge trials. And govt should have reserved more doses. But faster solutions do not require throwing out commonsense ethics & standards.
What does "thinking like an economist" mean? Some thing it means thinking only in terms of economic efficiency, narrowly defined. But, for ex., Keynes had a broader definition. In his obituary for Alfred Marshall, he stated the following:
"The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher—in some degree.... No part of man’s nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard." …
So, writing about how to distribute drugs and how to test them on narrow economic efficiency grounds, w/o considering the ethical principles from philosophic theory, or the political consequences, is not, IMO, being a "master-economist".
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