for the last 3 days this cat has come to glare at me while i work
this is *not my cat*

not even a neighborhood cat i've ever seen before! sits outside 10+ minutes every day just staring...
day one i went out to pet the cat, which was not its end goal apparently

yesterday i dragged scout the cat into it
wife vs cat
cat vs world
cat is both quite soft and quite fat, wanting for nothing
theories include: cat is a hanukkah miracle and will vanish in 7 days
update: cat only works M-F
mystery cat early today
two important things to know here:

1. mystery cat only visits once per day, between 8am-11am

2. mystery cat visits and looks through my office window for 5-10 minutes each time. never a casual drop-in, always a lot of eye contact
after 5 days MIA my strange angel has returned
calicos definitively the geminis of the cat realm
tried to let mystery cat lead me on the quest she's been trying to give me but we just did a lot of this
after a long and mysterious sabbatical, mystery cat came by for a visit!!
mystery cat came by to say TGIF
she visited yesterday too, i think mystery cat is returning to her late 2020 schedule
opened my office door a crack the other day to let some fresh air in... thought I was safe bc mystery cat had already stopped by.... and then a fluffy black cat appeared out of nowhere and rushed inside
mystery cat cannot come inside bc

1. my cats are upset about the tweets already

2. she has a truly prodigious spray, both in terms of volume and distance
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