This is an update about the current situation regarding COVID-19 in Sheffield.

Cases continue to drop but hospitals remain busy.
The rate of new cases of COVID per 100k are approaching 100. The positivity rate has dropped to 6%, from 12-13% a few weeks ago.
Cases in the UK have plateaued. Sheffield is slightly below the national average. These levels are still too high

We know it's very tempting to see friends and family but remember the virus spreads from person to person very quickly.
Greg’s video is optimistic with a word of caution - more outbreaks mean people are letting their guard down.

The best things we can do are:
Wash hands
Keep social distancing
Wear a mask
See Greg's advice on a COVID-free Christmas:

Be strict with your bubbles - keep them small and keep them fixed
Avoid meeting face to face where possible
Meeting outdoors is much safer than meeting indoors
And thank you Sheffield :)
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