1. Dolan claim goes no further. Refusing perm to appeal, which requires no reasons to speak of, was the easiest way for the SC to close the lid: uphold the CA without having to examine the issues raised. /... https://twitter.com/joshuarozenberg/status/1337361420699267072
2. The speed with which this decision was made suggests a political (small p) desire to (a) end uncertainty and (b) make clear that the courts are fully behind the government’s use of the public health act as a basis for the coronavirus response/...
3. For reasons I’ve set out elsewhere, whilst such a result was predictable it has required an orthodox approach to statutory construction to be replaced by a benevolent, executive-empowering, approach to statutory interpretation /...
4 A byproduct has been the marginalisation of Parliament, which has had limited oversight of public health act regulations, now definitively upheld. This represents something of a pendulum swing from the parliament -empowering rulings of recent years such as Miller cases. /...
5 Whether this simply reflects the public health crisis context or whether it owes something also to the executive kickback from such rulings is a matter that will no doubt be debated.
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