Is anyone else as angry as I am about the morons who don't believe it's a pandemic like that stupid Pastor in Tennessee? My daughter and I both have COVID. She's in slightly worse shape than me, so I'm taking care of her. Get a little out of breath when I help her.
I have completely lost sense of taste and smell, have leg aches and fatigue/weakness, itchy cough that's lessening. My daughter can't get rid of cough and is continually having accidents, and severe joint pain. She is on dialysis. We care, so we are quarantining.
So, do I have any respect for those jerks who go around saying it's a hoax, or we are lying? No I don't, not for all those evangelicals or QAnons, Republican sycophants who claim the news is fake, even though the whole world is sick, some dying, or president trump.
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