😒 Tomorrow is the @cop26uk Climate Ambition Summit. Governments from across the world will be blowing their own horns over weak and inadequate commitments.

We’re playing bingo of their greenwashing, false solutions and fake ambition. Follow along with us! #ClimateAmbitionBingo
đŸ˜€ We're only 30 mins in and we're already close to a full house!

It's official: the @cop26uk Climate Ambition Summit is full of greenwashing, false solutions and fake ambition 👎

We need #ClimateJustice, #RealZero and #JustTransition that begins now. #ClimateAction
That was easy! We have a full house in the #ClimateAmbitionBingo in no time 💯

See below for a thread exposing these greenwashing, false solutions and fake ambitions of the Climate Ambition SummitđŸ‘‡đŸŸ #ClimateAction
1. Net Zero relies on unproven technofixes and carbon offsetting. It creates the idea that we can continue to pollute & find a way to suck out the carbon later. It’s loved by fossil fuel companies who want business as usual with a promise of a future technological breakthrough...
...What we need is #RealZero, and we need it to start as soon as possible!

The government goal of reaching net zero by 2050 also kicks the can down the road and puts us on track for catastrophic 3°C warming.

So let's be clear: their plan is far from "ambitious".
2. #TogetherForOurPlanet is a disingenuous slogan. We are in the same storm, but we are not in the same boat. 1% of the population is responsible for 50% of emissions. Those who have contributed least to this crisis are being hit the hardest...
...The UK is the 5th biggest emitter of carbon emissions historically. It has accumulated wealth on the back of other countries.

We need to take into account historical responsibilities. But these facts of history are conveniently forgotten when it comes to #ClimateAction đŸ€”
3. One of the central areas of commitments has been climate finance. But 80% of climate finance so far has been in the form of loans, which means rich countries are making money out of damages they have caused.

What we need is grants and reparation programmes.
Let's get onto the false & greenwashed solutions promoted at the Climate Ambition Summit.

4. “Green Economy”. We can’t continue with business as usual. Infinite growth on a finite planet is a fairytale. We must decouple the economy from ‘growth’, this model only serves the 1%.
5. "Celebrating renewable energy while ignoring the impacts of extraction". We can’t just replace fossil fuels with renewable extractivism and megaprojects that harm communities in the Global South. We need energy democracy and a #JustTransition. https://twitter.com/COP26_Coalition/status/1328071631693107202
6. "Clean gas" is a dirty lie! https://twitter.com/gastivists/status/1166974997430198277
7. "Carbon Capture and Storage". All government plans rely on CCS being invented at some point in the future, but the tech to capture carbon and bury it *does not exist*. We're gambling on unproven technology instead of going with real solutions, just so we can keep emitting.
9. "Prioritising individual electric cars over affordable public transport". We do need electric cars but this transition needs to happen in a just way. One of the best ways to reduce emissions is to invest in affordable and reliable public transport. https://twitter.com/SourceScot/status/1306561093679144961
10. "Leadership". What governments should be doing is taking their responsibility seriously and doing their fair share. This is life or death, not a "Race to Zero" game to win. We need concrete action, not hollow statements of intent. https://twitter.com/WarOnWant/status/1334628540420153344
11. They say “the clock is ticking” and “no time to waste” while they continue timewasting. They have wasted decades ignoring the climate crisis, while colluding with the corporations seeking to profit from it.

We need #ClimateJustice, #JustTransition and #RealZero!
You can follow @COP26_Coalition.
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