Like I know I can't complain about what I got for Hood Feminism and I made the list etc. But y'all, I'm a unicorn. Seriously, nothing about my path to publishing is an indicator of a greater trend. I came in with a platform and a shark for an agent. Most people won't have that
And not to toot my own horn, but I write my ass off. I know how much editing and obsessing I do before anyone sees my drafts. No one will ever see an actual rough draft of mine in long form except maybe @thewayoftheid. Maybe.
Because I know I am one bad draft away from this train stopping completely. People will say that's not true & point to white writers who turn in hot messes. But I'm not a white guy and I know exactly how precarious my success is because of my race and gender.
And again, I'm in a better position than most. So I probably have a teensy bit of leeway. But not really, and for a lot of other BIPOC writers who weren't already well known? That draft has to be flawless. A polished final as their rough draft. And then it has to sell out
And I mean fly off the shelves. Because if it doesn't? Good luck getting a real advance again. Or a good PR budget. And with no PR? It won't matter what you wrote. Shannon & Ciara were my PR people for Hood Feminism & they're amazing. But without them? I would have been buried
Hood Feminism is a best seller in a pandemic. I'm good, but y'all the sheer amount of placement that I got because of the right team? Most people won't debut & do The Daily Show or GMA. And that's what it can take to get those sales.
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