If @DrTomFrieden tweeted once an hour for every US citizen who died from COVID, it would take 33 years to finish tweeting.

If he tweeted once per hour for every *new* person facing acute hunger due to our response to COVID, it would take 15,800 years. https://twitter.com/Alex_Washburne/status/1337123933363945472
It's just SO important for the world to recognize that our actions in response to COVID have reactions, our saving a few lives of rich people in the rich world so far appears to come at the cost of many more lives lost and much greater human suffering outside the rich world.
This is not to say we shouldn't tackle COVID. Rather, it's saying that we should tackle COVID with ALL global mortality and morbidity in perspective, and not myopically focus on COVID deaths, as we have done, to produce more deaths elsewhere in people who have less.
Show me an intervention that reduces COVID prevalence and deaths without affecting deaths and morbidity elsewhere and I'll probably support it, even if it's not 100% proven (e.g. masks- I'm in favor of masks).
Our obsessive focus on COVID is the exact opposite way we need to be managing global health. We need to keep HUNGER, tuberculosis, obesity (does it reduce long-term mortality & morbidity to close gyms?) and other causes in mind as we manage this new addition to our portfolio.
You can follow @Alex_Washburne.
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