Wilson has the most long-developing dropbacks over that time (115), and for the season (309). Wentz is second in both cases. Wilson was the NFL's most efficient quarterback in the first half of the season on these types of plays; now everything is falling apart. https://twitter.com/NFL_DougFarrar/status/1337437041810763777
I think the Seahawks have told themselves a story on how shot plays work. Ideally, their deep passes are based off play-action as a construct of a strong run game. Not that you need a strong run game to work play-action, but that's what they believe. Now, you have the Seahawks...
...trying to get big plays under a constraint of "balance" when the best way to have them happen is within the design and rhythm of the offense, based on the opponent. Brady's having a similar issue in the Bucs' offense. Not a ton of play-action, but a disproportionate number...
...of attempted shot plays (20+ air yards) out of them. Creates a situation in which the quarterback HAS TO MAKE A BIG PLAY as opposed to just working within the flow of the offense based on the opponent. Not ideal. Wilson is throwing late and locking on lately.
Two parts to the solution, IMO: Throw the "balance" shit out the window. If Vince Lombardi had a perfect 53-play formula, good for Vince Lombardi. That's not your offense, and it's not your quarterback. You have a cyborg at quarterback, for #$%^'s sake.
Second part of the solution is to not only LET RUSS COOK, but also to let him buy the groceries. I don't believe that you can work a high-level passing game in today's NFL if you're concerned about balance above all. Now, you're reducing opportunity instead of expanding it.
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