5 Reasons why EVERYONE should write

🚨Warning: This thread is for people with a long term winning mentality. If you don't like being challenged, don't read this thread.

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Let's begin
1. Writing is the hardest mental exercise you can perform

Writing is hard.

Don't believe me?

Spend 1 hour writing every day for 30 days.

Sound simple? Most people will give up.

Writing daily will make you mentally tougher because it's hard AF to do.
2. Writing well = thinking well

Research shows your mind receives an average of 100,000 thoughts A DAY.

With smart phones, that number is probably higher.

Writing is the best way to systematically process those thoughts into something useful.

Writing is intentional thinking.
3. "Words are the atomic unit of the internet" - @david_perell

The better you write, the more opportunities you will have online.

The internet is the goldrush for good writers.

You can sell books.

You can build a blog and an email list.

You can get paid to write for others.
4. Writing makes you smarter

Writing is exercise for your brain.

Just as lifting weights and eating healthy improves your physical health

Writing daily improves your mental health.

Experimenting with your thoughts on paper is the fastest way to improve them.
5. Writing makes you more interesting

90% of people are consumers, while only 10% are creators.

This is true of business but also of content.

Who do you think is more interesting? The guy who watches Youtube all day or the guy who creates all day?

Join the top 10% by writing
If you want to 100x your writing, the best investment you can make is @JoshuaLisec persuasive writing system.

It will make you a better writer but more importantly it will improve your thinking.

Get it through my referral link and start writing today 🔽 https://bit.ly/3ffPOj7 
You can follow @waronweakness.
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