
After an election that respected election officials from both parties say went very well with no evidence of widespread fraud...

... in an election where Republicans generally did very well except for the top of the ticket with a historically unpopular president...
2/ ... the president, distraught, lies and spreads deranged conspiracy theories about the election and software, and attacks GOP officials for abiding by the law...
while raising hundreds of millions for his “legal defense” — though 75% of the money need not be spent that way..
3/ .... and court after court, official after official, many GOPers or appointed by GOPers, rule against these efforts to overturn the election because there is no real evidence of problems...

...while the lawyers for this effort behave, shall we say, erratically...
4/ ... and after weeks of this, the president desperate, suddenly the Texas AG — who has legal problems so he’d love a pardon — files a lawsuit full of lies and conspiracy theories and just nonsense... one no credible legal expert respects...
5/ ... after all this, a majority of House Republicans and some in the Senate and 18 state attorneys general raise their hands and say they want to be a part of this? To undo the results of a free and fair democratic election? Really?
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