The worst folks are those that reap the benefits of capitalism, science, and modernity themselves and then give suggestions based on socialism and other Booga Booga for others. They keep the best for themselves and shove the worst on others. These people are the greatest frauds.
These people are the ones who are scared of competition and creative destruction. They are scared that their grip over the national socio-political discourse is diminishing. So they make sure they come up with every possible policy suggestion that can maintain the status quo.
Ask any of these "intellectuals" to give up their positions of power and to simply donate 50% of their accumulated wealth. They will not give a penny away. They will go to the best private hospitals themselves & make the masses rot in mediocre public healthcare for example.
Their children will go to the best modern private schools. But they will make the masses go to 3rd rate public schools. They will charge money for public speaking gigs and ask billionaires to give their money away just like that.
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