Alright. Let's do an end of the week wrap-up.

1. Twitch is updating their Hateful Conduct and Harassment policy. These changes go into effect on January 22, 2021. Make sure you go and read the changes because your content will be judged on these criteria beginning 1/22.
1b. Tune in to the Creator Camp live TODAY for a deep dive into the new policy. They are discussing the new policy in detail and will be taking questions from the chat.

The stream goes up at 10AM PST / 12PM CST / 1PM EST here:
1c. Tune in to the Twitch Town Hall discussion on 12/16/2020 for a live discussion and Q&A concerning the new policy, DMCA, etc.

Take the opportunity to get your voice heard.

The stream goes up on 12/16 at 10AM PST / 12PM CST / 1PM EST here: 
1d. If you want to put your questions in their minds *before* the Town Hall discussion, Twitch wants you to post your questions underneath their post.

Take this with a grain of salt, but if you want to get ahead of the curve, here's that tweet:
2. I know we've all seen this tweet concerning the site Bunnyhop. Many women are having their streams embedded on the site without their permission, which is a violation of Twitch ToS for engaging with content on the platform.
2a. Twitch has acknowledged that they are aware of the issue with this tweet from Twitch Support. They have blocked the site, but as we all know, it is possible for more like it to continue to pop up.
2b. This will spark a conversation about what's helpful vs what's harmful. Many women on the platform have been targeted just for being women, and sites like this just give folks easy access to them. It will be interesting to see how Twitch responds beyond blocking one site.
2c. While the site is still up, and the thumbnails are still available, when you actually click the stream it shows that the content is blocked.

I'm interested in seeing what protections Twitch will put in place to prevent this from happening again.
2d. I do want this to make you all think about how you engage with other people's content both on Twitch and off of it.

Many of you steal content in the form of watching YouTube videos or watching other people's streams while you're live without their permission.
2e. I want this to spark a conversation about engaging with content in better ways. I want this to force you all to grow and change your mindset when it comes to your content and other people's content. Be mindful of how you engage.
End of thread. Please pay attention to everything that is happening with Twitch and be mindful in how you engage with the platform and with people's content in general.

Do better.
You can follow @JaeTheTerrible.
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