I'm going to watch Vaush reacting to hakim. May God have mercy on me.
Vaush is freaking out that people are watching Hakim more than him and creating an "antagonistic discourse"

Okay buddy
Vaush's strawmanning Marxists and says they don't believe there is any way to achieve socialism except revolution.

This is false and you only need to look at our support for states like Bolivia Venezuela or Allende's Chile to see this.
However electoral politics is highly unlikely to achieve socialism in the Imperial Core. Bernie Sanders AOC and others have demonstrated that they will not stand up to imperialism.
I'm starting at the Bad empanada section BTW. I haven't seen his response video, so I don't know how much time I'll be spending on it.
Okay, he's just reacting to it, I'm skipping to the Hakim part since I actually watched that video.
Vaush takes umbridge with Hakim saying that the issue of electoral ism was settled a century ago.

All the arguments we see today have been debunked a long time ago which he'd know if he did actually read theory, but as we know Vaush is an opportunist that doesn't care.
Vaush says that Hakim refusing to comment on the difference between Biden and Trump demonstrates that he is coming into the argument from a biased position.

Yeah, I'd imagine growing up in Iraq might make someone a little biased towards indifference concerning American politics
Vaush's mistake is assuming that there is some monumental difference between Biden and Trump, which there isn't domestically or internationally. But I guess that makes me a "cringe-lord" in his eyes because I can look at them both critically.
Vaush says that the democrats are less reactionary than the Republicans which is hilarious and not true.
And now Vaush is saying Hakim is using the fact that both democrats and Republicans have bombed his country in order to throw out political nuance.

Vaush is pretending there is some kind of huge Nuance between the two parties when there really isn't.
The Iraq War was bi-partisan, we don't need to say that the democrats are better or worse on the issue.
Lol, Vaush is freaking out that the people in his chat are disagreeing with him on this.
Vaush is now saying that Trump is more responsible for the war in Libya and Syria than Obama.

Vaush is out here trying to make the facts conform to his point of view more than trying to make an objective analysis.
You can't pretend the democrats and republicans are any different when they actually agree and work together.
Vaush tries to debunk Hakim's point about the labor party and reasserts that he is still basically correct. He says that Leftists can work with pretty much any bourgeois party and scoffs when Hakim points out that the Labor party was far more radical.
Vaush is saying "no, actually there is no difference between working with progressive parties and bourgeois parties."

This is flat out wrong. Many communists in America wanted to work with Sanders because they saw how outspoken he was. The strategic point of this was to show
how the bourgeois electoral system will not allow any progressive populist voices to interfere with the capitalist economic system, and that the whole thing is rigged.
Of course if they do achieve any meager gains, this can also be a victory for the communists that endorsed them and this will make communist orgs more attractive to the general public by showing that they are on their side.
The Democrats on the other hand refused to let any progressive voices to infiltrate them and purposely propped up Biden. Communists working to elect Biden will achieve nothing to grow their reputation or standing because Biden is a segregationist and an economic conservative.
Someone in the chat "Obama was the king of drone strikes"


Vaush, despite shouting for nuance, is the first to reject it.
People in the chat are also pointing out the times Trump pulled troops out, but Vaush is moving the goalposts.
Vaush again insists there is no difference between progressive parties and conservative parties.

He laughs that Lefists try to use theory as some sort of godsend, but that is literally what Vaush tried to do with his initial video.
Vaush seems to think the point of voting is in order to win, which is why he endorses the democrats. A number of times now he has also failed to understand Hakim's argument and doesn't respond to it.
He has nothing to say about Hakim accusing him of throwing people into the embrace of bourgeois politics, which is exactly what he's doing.
Hakim pointed out that the quote from Engels was saying something radically different from what Vaush was saying, and despite the evidence, Vaush goes on insisting that he is correct, despite being wrong.
Vaush basically just admitted that he quote mined and didn't actually read the theory.
The crux of Vaush's arguments against Hakim hinge on the Democrats being wildly more progressive than they are.
Vaush insists it is easier to protest against liberals and to achieve gains that way. I'd just like to direct his attention to flint michigan and that the black lives matter protests started under obama and did not manage to achieve any adequate gains from that administration.
Vaush doesn't understand what Dual Power means.
He also doesn't understand how the military siding with workers over the bourgeoisie could also potentially be peaceful transition of power.
Our boy Vaush just had a Joker moment.
Despite evidence to the contrary, Vaush insists that the only way to peacefully obtain power is through voting.

Earlier he accused Hakim and other Marxists of behaving like christian fundamentalists, but this is really just showing his own dogmatic beliefs.
Lol, Vaush is really calling out Hakim for not supporting the Hong Kong protests and says that Hakim supports imperialism as long as its not the US.
Vaush says that Hakim would welcome "the people's drones" flying over Iraq.

Because that is something that China is well known for and is written about extensively by Xi, not like building railroads or ports or something.
A lot of Vaush's arguments at this point are just redundant because it is just him asserting over and over that the democrats are not a lesser evil and are actually good somehow.
Vaush doesn't recognize a difference between supporting workers parties and the democrats. He does this a number of times during the video, and it is just embarrassing.
Vaush says that Marxism Leninism is not a science and that you don't need to read theory. This is flat out wrong. While theory may not be necessary in this day and age, thanks to a number of other useful outlets, such as Rev Left or education directly through a communist org
it is wrong to say that a person's own experience is enough to inform them about what needs to be done. If we aren't educated about Marxism, we can become susceptible to ludcricrous other ideologies like Liberalism or fascism.
Moreover, Marxism has actually produced victories for the working class, but of course Vaush won't acknowledge those because he has been absorbed by the ideology of liberalism, hence his staunch support for the democrats.
Because Vaush doesn't read theory, and isn't educated, he can't see the numerous contradictions and entanglements that have clouded his judgement and leads to him calling states like the USSR and China "red fascists"
Vaush visibly confused when Hakim makes a scientific analysis of Trump's victory in 2016.
Vaush when exposed to more facts about how the democrats behave just like the republicans becomes confused again.
Vaush clearly doesn't know how the US government works, so throws out evidence by Hakim to support his viewpoint.
Vaush calls Hakim Candace Owens because Hakim insists that the democrats are just as racist as the republicans
Vaush: He's talking about theory like it is prophecy

Again, when we say Marxism is a science, it is because we have analyzed the world, experimented, and produced real results. If you observe that rain causes plants to grow and say plants will grow after rain, it is not prophecy
Vaush: You are disgustingly ignorant of American History

*A few moments earlier*

Vaush: *Visibly confused when Hakim knows more US history than he does*
Vaush pretty much rage quits here. Didn't even finish the video.
I'm not done with Vaush just yet, but watching and reacting to that whole thing wore me out, and so I'm going to take a break.
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