In the UK, #naturebasedsolutions are a vital part of building resilience to the impacts of #climatechange, while storing carbon and protecting #biodiversity.

To learn how, read our new policy brief with @Natures_Voice and @WWF_UK

@DefraGovUK @COP26
The UK will formally announce its updated NDC at tomorrow’s Climate Action Summit

Watch here: 

NbSI will be supporting the development of nature’s role in the UK’s adaptation plans in the run up to #COP26

#TogetherForOurPlanet #ClimateAction
In the our policy brief on NbS for climate change adaptation in the UK, we give 5 key recommendations:

1. NbS for climate change adaptation should be integrated with other policy areas, to unlock synergies and avoid adverse effects.
Key message 2:

Policy support should explicitly recognize the need for a #landscape approach involving a diverse portfolio of NbS across different habitats.
Key message 3:

NbS should be carefully designed and implemented through a bottom-up and #participatory approach involving multiple stakeholders.
Key message 4:

NbS should be planned to deliver measurable benefits for #biodiversity through enhancing the health, diversity and connectivity of ecosystems and their habitats and species.
Key message 5:

Adaptation policy should set well-defined time-bound #objectives and build capacity to effectively #monitor NbS outcomes over the long term.
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